Vote August 20th

GReg hoying


Greg Hoying

for Citrus County Republican State Committeeman

Long time resident of Citrus County

Member of the Republican Executive Committee 

Citrus Watch Chair

Member of TooFar

Retired Career Firefighter

Journeyman Stone Mason

Former OPS Park Ranger (Crystal River Preserve State Park)

Current Manager of the Flying Eagle Withlapopka Community Park


The Republican Party stands for the principles upon which this Nation was founded:

Freedom, Liberty, personal Responsibility and Accountability. Along with that and every bit as important is Fiscal Responsibility. These principles are deeply engrained in the hearts and minds of the grassroots supporters who are the lifeblood of our party. 

However there are elements in the Republican Party that seem to have forgotten these principles. It’s time for us to refocus and reclaim the party’s true essence. Join me in my efforts to restore the Republican Party to these founding principles.


                                        The Republican Primary is August 20th

In Citrus County, most of our elected officials are elected in the Republican Primary. That’s why it’s imperative that everyone vote on August 20th.


The Republican Party is at a crossroads. For too long, our elected officials have prioritized the interests of special interests and developers over those of our community. The Party has become complacent and is failing to serve as a force for good in our community. 


                                                                 It’s time for a change

Thats why I’m running for the Republican State Committeeman. I’m a candidate with no ties to special interests or developers. If you join me, it will be our mission to restore the party’s integrity. We must empower our county’s leadership to make decisions that reflect the Citizens of Citrus County’s values and beliefs. 




“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose”.

                                                                                                                    Romans 8:28